Thursday, September 24, 2009


2:30a.m. I just finished reading Homer's Iliad, Virgil's Aeneid and an essay on Cromwell in the library, and was walking back to my room, taking in the chill of the rainy night with every step. It was drizzling, the air was crisp, the sight was beautiful as usual - I hope I don't ever get sick of seeing these gothic buildings - and my heart was really warm. I was sheltered under an umbrella that my roommates and neighbors passed to me. They braved the rain at 1am to run across the courtyard just to pass me an umbrella.

I contemplated much about what has been in the short walk back to my room. There is something which has been bothering me since I've been here - some loose string that I left untied in Singapore? Some thing that was undone? Something's bugging me but I really don't know what it is.

So, I contemplated about the present.

I love cycling around campus through the castleland. I love not knowing what to do when I bump into John Nash. I love listening to impromptu piano recitals - especially Luke's (he just played my favorite Moonlight Sonata after dinner). I love having the chance to attend talks by heads of states and dignitaries so often (Ban Ki Moon, Turkish PM so far in my short time). I love having the environment to bravely ask myself what I really want in my life. Is business school what I really want after college? Is business really the thing for me? Or am I just going with the flow?

I thanked God for giving me such loving friends, such opportunities, and I asked Him to continue to lead me in my life and the decisions I would make. It's really easy to sign up for dozens of activities, but it's really tough to choose what to commit to.

Yea, I have to get used to school after 3 years of work/service/adventure in the military.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


I just came back from a one week outfield hiking trip to the Catskills mountains in NY. I was placed in the most physically demanding group in the whole frosh trip with 8 other froshs and 3 leaders - I had such an amazing time!

1. We climbed mountains after mountains, went up to 4000feet, and hiked 13mile days. Even Brunei's Biang is only 1400-1500 feet btw.

2.The views were spectacular, but the weather was horrible. It was darn cold, and I almost froze to death.

3. Chilled out by the lake

4. Gazed at the campfire and the shooting stars

5. Had amazing company. Alex, AJ, Samy, Alex, Olivia, Wesley, Aviv, Ben, Kanika, Kathie and Christiana.


Have you ever, for a moment during the rush hours, stopped still in your tracks and yearned for a fresh breath of air in your life that would change everything around you? I have, and I pursued this fresh breath of air. It was fresh, but it was strong. It was more of a strong gush of wind rather than a crisp, gentle breeze that greets the face.

This gush of wind was what I have gone through over the past few weeks.

I had an absolute whale of a time with A in NYC, having lunch at Times Square, watching Broadway musicals, walking through the city, strolling through the park with the Statue of Liberty in the backdrop (illuminated by the dusk sky), cheering the Yankees, swinging away in Central Park - and most of all, just simply giving our time to each other before we begin our adventures. We parted at the train station, and it was a solo trek for me from then on. The wheels of one of my luggage pieces were smashed, and that really dissed me. It made it much more difficult, and throughout the whole 90min train ride to Princeton, I kept questioning myself if this was worth it all. I could have not subjected myself to all these. I had the choice. I made the choice.

I faced the strong gush of wind.

This wind hit me especially hard during international orientation. The thought of having so many uncertainties really made me feel the angst. I wasn't sure if I would fit in, if I would be able to cope with the academics, if I would stay true to the values and dreams I had of my education. It's easy to get lost in fear and get blown by the wind. I used to picture myself here, walking through the castles, making use of my education to make the world a better place. But now that I'm here I'm not too sure how everything will turn out. I will take things one step at a time, starting with my meeting with my college academic adviser on Monday. Classes start on Thurs, and I can't wait for it. I haven't been in school for 3 years, but I'm looking forward to meeting those superstar Profs. It's crazy when yr Profs were the ones who discovered the theorems in textbooks, and all won either the top prizes in their fields or the Nobel. Ben Bernanke used to teach Econ 101 before he was the Fed boss.

Under the Weather

Ive been feeling way under the weather since yesterday. my discomforts follow the sinosodial curve with respect to the time of the day. Day Good. Night Bad. But funny things still do happen.

Well, back from a family dinner at Tonkatsu, I was sitting down on my bed doing a test that my younger bro challenged me to. My dearest Mum, handed me a panadol pack to have me figure my own dosage. 1-2 i guess? i decided on 1, since i was managing it pretty ok. i took 1 out of the foil and popped it*, and drank up. at that very instant, i felt somthing hit my foot and drop to the floor, out of my line of sight. my attention hadnt had the time to register, when my Dad came in telling bout this random electric adapter to bring to the UK. Mum picked up that 'something', and she looked at me curiously. i was still downing the water when she showed me the panadol tablet in her hand. Well, my Mum did want to reprimand me, but she couldnt help smiling. Dad continued on with the uses of the electric adapter, smiling. so Fail.

We couldnt acertain whether i did take the panadol, as the foil already had 2 burst bubbles.

I took another. 1-2 i guess.

P.S. 1 more week. fortunately


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sore Muscles are like a Hangover, you just know u had a great time the previous day

Here's a post, though ive yet to leave. i had Warwick's Summer games yesterday, and im aching and paining today. a few games of floorball, and a game of soccer/touch-rugby did it for me. i woke up this morning feeling many years ahead, feeling those strained muscles flex and relax everytime i try to figure a more comfortable position. life's just fullof give and take. you give your game, and u take the pain, how ever long after..

Anyway, this evening, i decided to grab an ice cream at serene centre. unknowingly, i was to face a 'damsel-with-her-mom in distress' situation. i was on my way out of the carpark, when i noticed a p-plated motorist (no name calling.. yet) in front of me having trouble with the automated exit machine. During the time-frame of what happened next, i considered switching off my headlights, but what the hell. She got out of the car, as the machine was beyond her reach, and attempted to feed the cashcard in thinking it was a semi-automatic system. Fail. so she asked a p-plate noob for help. well, i was pretty sure it was fully automatic, and i suggested a try. she reversing out of the way, i steered clear of the bar. afterwhich, i headed back (on foot of course) to help with the problem-solving. we realised she exceeded 6 cents on her cashcard.

Life is far too interesting.

P.S. 2 more weeks!


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I had my Dad's driving test this morning. It was all-in-all pretty elaborate, even having me drive into Malaysia for a feel. Different, the roads were. Well, i passed.

Anyway, i already started driving with no parental guidance late last night. im not a rebel; i got the permission. anyway, i picked up Paul Yow from his place, as with how all drivers (newbies on fire) would so gladly offer, and we had supper over at Mr Prata opp. CCAB.

it was great driving at night, no traffic, and no headlights. Ok, i learnt a life lesson on driving last night. 'When driving at night, On your headlights'. i was fortunate enough to be driving by a very kind fellow motorist who signalled to me that i was driving lightless. after making out the hand gestures, i turned on my headlights, and am pretty sure would continue to do so as long as the sun sets. i appreciate his/her kindness.

Thank you license plate no. (if only i could remember )
